Self-observation in the classroom

I don’t know if this word even exists in ELT, it’s probably called ‘self-reflection’ or something similar. Terminology aside, this is what I’ve tried to do more consistently in the last few months: consciously noticing and if possible reflecting on the on-the-spot choices I make as a teacher in the classroom.


Though it is cloudy the way before us is clear; to act we must choose From Algot Many people have written about the freer, decentralised, harassment-free alternative to Twitter. So why am I writing this post? Well, I felt I needed to write down my own personal point of view after many people asked …

About mindfulness in ELT (again!)

Last year I wrote a blog post about what I perceived as a commodification of an amazing Buddhist concept: mindfulness, or sati. Today, I would like to go back on the topic, after I’ve recently attended: a one-day Vipassana meditation retreat; a two-hour training session on mindfulness for teachers. I now feel I have familiarised with both …