Delta task: Why teach sense relations

In the online Delta course I’m following, one of the tasks for the lexis unit required us to take notes on why sense relations can facilitate vocabulary learning and make lessons more interesting. It also required us to refer to examples of classroom activities and specific teaching strategies which we have used or intend to …

Present tenses timelines

Sometimes as teachers we take the present tenses for granted, especially with higher level students. However, as Parrot points out in his Grammar for English Language Teachers, students often have difficulties choosing the correct tense and tend to overuse the present simple. That’s the reason why I created a series of timelines to visualise the …

New post series: Delta Tasks

Just a quick update: following advice I will be posting tasks and reflections I have been doing while working on the online Delta Module 1 preparation course I’m attending.
The posts will be mostly my own reflections on the tasks, to which anyone is welcome to add their thoughts or ideas. Their purpose is only to clarify the topics in my head and possibly to get some feedback from colleagues.